Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I am longing, longing for change. I went to a beautiful conference this weekend. It made me search, deep inside of myself to unwrap some layers of ugliness and lies that society, and the devil himself have placed there. I long to be free. Free from the ugly lies that I tell myself. That I am not worthy, that I am not good enough. That I do not deserve to be set free from my past sin. That I am not loved.

One thing slammed me straight in the heart. That I am free in Jesus Christ. I always have been and I always will be. That I am loved, that I am beautiful and that I am good enough. Just as I am flaws and all.

That did something, it unleashed a furry of creativity. Journaling, painting, creating. I just had to get it out. It was the strangest thing and the most exhilarating. Here is what happened in my creative awakening

This one is my favorite mix of colors yet. I just have to put the chain on it and it is ready to wear.

I still long to let it ALL go. I am getting closer. I am grateful in knowing that God is carrying me every step of the way.


Unknown said...

I feel this same way. When I can embrace where I'm at I discover and find so much more. It's like a pause with God.

You just made me feel like we're in this together :D Praise God for sisters-in-Christ online.

Your creations are beautiful!

Crystal Farish said...

Hey!!! You have some mighty cute stuff on this blog of yours!!!! So you said we are neighbors -- where do you live, in Temecula???

I want to know where you got your cool Halloween wreath and that sign that says "happy haunting" way cool!!! Glad you liked the maple dressing. It's one of my favorites.